CDP-2 Remote Control Display Panel

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The CDP-2 brings control and monitoring of your snow melt system indoors. No need to hope that the system has successfully triggered. One glance at the CDP-2 confirms it! The CDP-2 iscompatible with the DS-2B, DS-224, DS-5, and DS-8 rain/snow sensor controllers.

The CDP-2 brings control and monitoring of your snow melt system indoors. No need to hope that the system has successfully triggered. One glance at the CDP-2 confirms it! The CDP-2 iscompatible with the DS-2B, DS-224, DS-5, and DS-8 rain/snow sensor controllers.

The unit consists of an electronic printed circuit board mounted securely to a steel mounting plate. The overall dimensions of the CDP-2 are 4.1"(104) x 1.8"(45) x 0.9"(23). The unit weighs 2.5 ounces. The CDP-2 fits into a standard single gang or multi gang electrical enclosure. Compatible self-threading mounting screws that fit both metal and plastic enclosures are included. The plate also has mounting holes for a rectangular "modular" cover plate, similar to the Leviton Decora or Hubbell StyleLin series. This allows the user to select a cover plate color and material that blends with the decor of the room.

The CDP-2 allows control of the snow sensor and also reports the sensor's own override switch position. The "Manual On" function activates the snow sensor and controlled equipment to operate for one "delay off" cycle. The delay off cycle is determined by the DEL switch setting and the DEL adjustment on the snow sensor, 2 minutes in "sensor" mode, 30-90 minutes in "controller" mode. This can be handy for testing and special operational conditions, like clearing hail buildup, without the danger of leaving the system in a continuous "Manual On" condition. The "Automatic" position allows the sensorto handle all detections and control. The unit will also always revert to "Automatic" mode once a "Manual On" cycle has been completed. A sensor will report activation by illuminating the "Deice On" indicator. The "Standby" position disables triggering even in snow conditions and can also be used to clear the delay off timer from true or test activation.

  • Convenient Indoor Monitoring and Control
  • Self Powered, No AC Wiring or Batteries Required
  • Fits Any Standard Single Gang Electrical Box
  • Compatible with Leviton Decora and Hubbell StyleLine Cover Plates
  • You Choose The Cover Plate Color and Material
  • Smart "Manual On" Operates for One Delay Off Cycle
  • Home Automation Control Interface
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